Saturday, April 26, 2008

J. Krishnamurti - Conversation with Prof. Allan W Andeson. California

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

| Consciousness and it's relation to death | Living | Reincarnation | Immortality | I | Me | Self |We and they | Choice less Awareness |

Some quotes and questions from Krishnaji from the talk

* Mind is so frightened, it is frightened with the very word death, and nobody talks about it.

* One cannot possibly understand the immensity, and it is immense, this thing called death, unless there is real freedom from fear.

* Without really freeing the mind from fear, there no possibility of understanding the extraordinary beauty strength and vitality of death.

* The ancient Egyptians, they prepared for death. Living was a means t dieing. That is one way of puting t. The other is reincarnation, that is the Indian. The idea of resurrection by Christians.

* You live 100 years. For what? For this kind of life, fighting, quarreling, bitterness, anger, jealousy. A meaningless existence. It is a meaningless existence, that we are living now.

* What is it that dies? And what is it that one is frightened of ? Loosing the known, loosing my wife, loosing my house, loosing all the things I have acquired, loosing this content of consciousness.

* Can contents of consciousness can totally be emptied?

* Dieing is living if one's content is totally emptied.

* Can this whole content of consciousness, be observed?

* The content of consciousness, that is me, my ego, I and you, we and they. So it is very important to understand the content of consciousness, that is the dieing to me :). That is the ME.

* I want to immortalize me. By writing a book, that is popular, or doing good deeds, building this and that, I want to immortalize the me.

* I want to achieve the immortal, the nameless, the infinite which is born out of thought and thought is mortal, limited.

* Than what is immortal? The beauty in the church, not i made the church. The beauty in the poem, the beauty in the sculpture, BEAUTY not the object of beauty. The beauty itself that is immortal. And I cannot grasp that, mind cannot grasp that, because beauty is not in the field of consciousness.

* Immortality is not withing the field of time, and time is thought, so anything that thought creates is within the field of time.

* Reincarnate next life everybody says, nobody says reincarnate NOW.

* One man came whose wife had died. He said, ' I must see my wife.' 'Can you help me.' I said, 'Which wife do you want to see? One that cooked, one that brought up the children, one that gave you sex, one that quarreled with you, one that dominated you, threatened you.' He said I don't want to meet any of these, i want to meet the good of her.' Do you get it, the image of the good he had built out of her. Not the real things, but the idea of the good which he created out of her.

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