Sunday, April 27, 2008

J. Krishnamurti In dialogue with Huston Smith

Religion | Mind | Psychology | Wisdom | Spirituality | How| Negation| Authority |

Some quotes and questions put by Krishnaji in the dialouge

* I wonder what you mean by the word lucid. I wonder whether you mean clarity. Is this clarity a matter of intellectual perception, or is it a perception with your whole being, not just a fragment of your being. But with totality of one's own being.

* Is it possible in this world with so many contradictions, and such misery and starving not only outwardly but also inwardly, to find within himself, a clarity that is constant, that is true in the sense, not contradictory, is it possibly for a human being to find it?

* I don't see why not? I don't see why it shouldn't be found by anybody, who is really quiet serious. Most of us are not serious at all, we want to be entertained, we want to be told what to do, we want someone else to tell us how to live. What this clarity is, what is truth, what is God, what is righteous behavior and all.

* What is needed is he freedom of authority, not the how. How implies a method, a system, a way traveled by others and someone to tell you do this and you will find it. Ones you have a system and a method you become mechanical, you do just what you are told, and that's not clarity.

* To have clarity the first essential thing is the freedom. Freedom from authority.

* The word 'how' implies that a mind that asks 'please tell me what to do?' Qusetion : ' I ask again is that a mistaken question? A wrong question?' Answer : ' I should think that's a wrong question ' How?', but rather you say what are the things, the obstructions that prevent clarity, then we can go into it :).

* What are the things that prevent clarity, through negation, through negation come to clarity not through positive method of following a system.

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